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Crime Scene Cleanup - STERI-CLEAN® ARIZONA

Crimes can and do happen anywhere. From homicide to trauma, these scenes can leave behind biohazards that are dangerous to other humans. Body fluids, blood, and potentially infectious materials are all easily cleaned up with the right tools and solutions we use at STERI-CLEAN® ARIZONA. We are able to clean roadways, buildings, and vehicles.


Oftentimes, crime scenes are at a residence or place of business and owners might not want the attention of what has happened. In cases like this, we are discreet and can arrive in unmarked vehicles so no one passing by or looking on knows what happened. In some cases, the cost of cleanup is covered by auto insurance when a vehicle was the scene of the crime.


Call Today for Expert Crime Scene Cleanup


Cleaning up the crime scene includes removal of all biohazards so that people can return to their home or business and not have to worry about contamination. We understand that crimes are difficult to process in the beginning and we conduct all cleanup in a caring, compassionate, and professional manner.


Cleanup of biohazards can be dangerous, therefore, we adhere to strict Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards. All employees are trained in the proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to make sure they keep themselves safe and so there’s no transmission of biohazards. At STERI-CLEAN® ARIZONA we dispose of any contaminated or hazardous material properly to ensure the safety of everyone involved.


STERI-CLEAN® ARIZONA is available to clean all emergency response vehicles for law enforcement, emergency services, cities, and municipalities. We understand that blood, vomit, feces, and urine are all contaminants that need to be properly cleaned. When dangerous chemicals have spilled or where there’s concern about illegal drugs, we take special steps to leave each vehicle we clean safe and ready to get back into service.

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